sigh... ah crys why you never buy Blue Scorpion's soundtrack?
so sad!never mind...i go find again. oh,must see yimin's hair and convince myself tat she is trying to make her hair sound bad. i mean... its not tat bad rite? i read finish harry potter and the half blood prince on saturday! i am not gg to say much cos spoilers are so not fun... but i ENJOYED it la.i cried.alot.alot. really cant stop cryin... oh wells... ppl should try out tuesdays with morrie! this book is so so meaningful and i'm not saying we will die soon but we will eventually at a ripe old age,but we should all read: tuesdays with morrie: before we die. yeah. so all about life.
anyway... throwers rocks!yah! sss kiss my ass!
ok. like my blog? its a dog theme this time. ok i know its obvious but jus let me say ok. tag me!